Commercial Laundry

Commercial Laundry

Many businesses have to wash some sort of laundry every week or even every day. And some professions have dirtier items then others. If you don't want to waste resources by having your employees do that laundry, or to have to pay maintenance cost on your own washer and dryer, then try our commercial laundry service. Our service is quick and efficient and we will work around your schedule. We will come to your location(s) as often as you need us to so you always have clean laundry when you need it.

  • Airbnb / VRBO - area rugs, towels, beach towels, sheets, blankets, kitchen towels
  • Gyms / Spas - towels and robes
  • Industrial Businesses - uniforms, rags, towels
  • Colleges - student laundry, department laundry
  • Sports Teams - uniforms, towels
  • Restaurants / Catering - chair covers, linen napkins, tablecloths
  • Hotels / Motels - towels, comforters, sheets
  • Mechanics –uniforms, work rags
  • Hospitals / Clinics - uniforms, bed linens, scrubs
  • Doctor's Offices –uniforms, gowns
  • Pet Grooming –towels, pet beds

Commercial Laundry Services for Golf Courses

If you run a golf course then there is plenty of items that you are responsible for washing. In addition to golf towels, most clubs have a locker room and a restaurant. That is a lot of towels and linens that need to be laundered. Our golf course laundry service can wash whatever different types of items that you need laundered. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Airbnbs, VRBOs, HomeAway

Vacation rentals call for a lot of laundering. Just about every room in the house has laundry - bathrooms have towels and wash cloths, bedrooms have sheets and blankets, and the kitchen will have dish towels and even oven mitts. It is easy to fall behind when you have to deal with that much laundry week after week. But if you utilize our airbnb laundry service we can help you stay current with your laundry needs. 

Commercial Laundry Services for Restaurants, Bars and Catering

Whenever you deal with food and drinks, you are going to have to deal with spills and stains. It doesn't matter if you own a mom and pop diner or a five star restaurant, you are going to have dirty laundry at the end of the day. When you use our restaurant laundry service we will come out to you as often as you need us so that you always have clean linens when you need them.

Commercial Laundry Services for Hotels and Motels

Hotels and motels are responsible for mountains of laundry every day. It is so easy to fall behind. Even a small property has to strip every single room, every single day, and all of that laundry - from the sheets to the towels - need to be thoroughly cleaned. Our linen cleaning service can help you out. We can do some, or all, of your laundry for you. So if your machines are out of order, or your employees are falling behind because of the volume, then let us help you stay on top of your laundry.

Commercial Laundry Services for Gyms, Rec Centers, Health Clubs

Places like gyms, rec centers, and health clubs use an enormous amount of towels. These towels are usually used to wipe off sweat and end up in a big moist pile in the locker room. These towels need to be thoroughly washed and dried so that they smell fresh and clean the next time someone uses them. Our towel cleaning laundry service will make sure that your towels are always unmistakably lean.

Commercial Laundry Services for Uniforms

Many industries require their employees to wear uniforms. Everyone from the amusement park vendor to the high end waiter wears a uniform. Every uniform needs to be laundered at the end of their shift. Our uniform laundry service can clean and wash every kind of uniform. From the grease stained mechanic uniform to a doctor's scrubs. We will make sure that you look clean and professional.